Sunday, November 05, 2006

Putz & Althouse don't understand why Webb is a Democrat.

Lookie this stupid:
ANN ALTHOUSE LOOKS AT JAMES WEBB'S VIEWS and asks: "So why is Webb running as a Democrat? Can you imagine how the Democrats would rake him over the coals for saying these things if he'd happened to run as a Republican?" Maybe that's why. It's interesting, though, that he's gotten so much support from the Netroots crowd. Back when the race was new I was surprised to discover that they were backing him, precisely because his views seemed so different from theirs.
Clearly, they're not paying attention, or can't Google. On Webb's campaign site, the first issue he lists is, you guessed it: Iraq.
National security policy under the Bush-Cheney Administration is in total disarray. There is no end in sight to the conflict in Iraq, the Middle East is out of control, Al Qaeda is stronger today than 5 years ago, and homeland security is being neglected. These difficulties have come about, in large part, because those who are leading us lack the kind of strategic vision that has served our country so well in past eras. George Allen, by blindly following the Bush administration and neglecting his constitutional duty as a Senator, bears great amount of responsibility for the state of American foreign policy.
That doesn't sound like a Republican, now does it? Another issue, "Economic and Social Fairness."
This country is splitting into three pieces. As a result of the internationalization of the economy, the people at the top have never had it so good. The middle class is continuing to get squeezed by stagnant wages and rising cost of living. And we are in danger of creating a permanent underclass. We must reexamine our tax and trade policies and reinstitute notions of fairness, and also enforce our existing trade laws so that free trade becomes fair trade.
Again, not very Republican.

Since Putz and Althouse, who are both political bloggers, don't seem to follow politics too closely, Webb has given many interviews in which he's explained why he switched parties. And the two reasons he gave were the current GOP's disasterous foreign policy along with what he considers Republicanism's unfair economic policies.

Putz's passing reference to one of his more embarassingly flat-out wrong posts is amusing. The cluelessness is classic Putz. "Why do those fringe nutjobs at Daily Kos support Jim Webb? They have nothing in common." More on that here.

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