Monday, July 24, 2006

Master of the obvious.

Iraq is getting so bad that cut-and-run Republicans are starting to waive the white flag of surrender, George Will and William F. Buckley have officially given up on Bush and there is no end in sight to the Israeli-Hezbollah war.

So the libertarian, non-partisan, centrist Putz begins the week by shooting spitballs at John Kerry, Joe Wilson and the media (yawn), while giving Condi-come-lately the credit for the fall of oil prices, after failing to note that they hit an all-time high last week.

The thrice divorced, draft-dodging, drug-addicted college dropout couldn't do it any better.

For his daily media bash, Putz turns once again to that prestigious bastion of news and commentary, TCS Daily, to an article that begins with this huge no-duh:

Maybe, when this Lebanon thing is over, we'll finally get it:
Guerrillas like to hide behind civilians.

Putz's response to this no-brainer?
This is something that neither the press, nor discussions of the law of war, gives sufficient attention.

So the Big Truth that “the press” willfully hides is that groups like Hezbollah target civilians and use them as shields?

Is he out of his mind?

I guess all the reports of this "Lebanon thing" broadcast practically every minute of every day on three networks and five cable news networks for the past two weeks about Israeli cities being hit by Hezbollah rockets didn’t sufficiently underscore the point that civilians actually lived in those cities.

Or maybe the non-stop images being simulcast around the entire planet of Lebanese cities in ruins from Israeli artillery and bombs didn’t effectively communicate the point that Hezbollah didn't hang out in clearly marked forts in the desert, far away from, you know, where Lebanese civilians live and stuff.


By the way --- doesn’t the obvious fact that Islamic terrorist groups use civilians as cover make heavy-handed military responses both undesirable and ineffective?

Just wondering.

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