Thursday, September 09, 2010

Meghan McCain is all tits and no brains, unlike...

Dan Riehl tapers off his Thorazine long enough to croak out a particularly wonderful rant against Meghan McCain (who, if you're not keeping up, is widely loathed in wingnut circles for her insufficiently wingnutty worldview).
This message might just as well be directed to Meghan McCain. But, really, would there be a point to that? Okay, there are actually two points of her's with which she seems obsessed, given a now infamous Tweet and a passage in her new book. I'm seeing a pattern here, distinctively D cup and out of date. The real female players on the Right today bring a lot of intellectual heft. And, Meghan, well, ... enuf said about that. No need to belabor a point, or even two, in American society today. That's contemporary, if you want to look it up, dear. Meghan's version of the hot n tot is actually waaay Nineties and over with at this point. She just doesn't know it, yet.
Hear that, Tits McGee? You need to bring serious "intellectual heft" to the table before people like Dan Riehl will angrily masturbate on his laptop while staring at your picture take you seriously. Like...
Jedediah Bila, one of several younger, more with it and engaged women stepping up in Right-side politics today weighs in on our current political environment.
Ah, yes. Quite the rocket scientist. Take a look at some of Jeddy's previous work. And note that Riehl's link takes you to something called "The American Association of Mature Citizens" website. Jedediah, your ship has come in!

Any other examples, Dan?
There have been ground breakers going back years, up to and including the likes of Sarah Palin, or Michele Bachman, Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter, who were already here.
Our Intellectual Heft: Let Us Show You It.

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