Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Kagan commits a mortal sin

Brent Bozell brings us the right-wing talking point to trump all other right-wing talking points: she didn't like Ronald Reagan.
As with Sotomayor & Co., media liberals greeted Kagan's record as a great mystery, and because of that, no one should "pigeonhole" this woman as a liberal. But there it was in black and white in a sympathetic New York Times profile. She spent the summer of 1980 working to elect a left-wing Democrat, Elizabeth Holtzman, to the Senate. "On Election Night, she drowned her sorrow in vodka and tonic as Ronald Reagan took the White House and Ms. Holtzman lost to 'an ultraconservative machine politician,' she wrote, named Alfonse D'Amato."
Might as well have taken a shit on the Bible, Elena. You're finished.

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