Thursday, February 04, 2010

Outsourcing my Glenn Reynolds bashing to Tbogg.


Glenn Reynolds wants every one to know that he is really a dirty fucking hippie at heart:

SO I WAS QUOTED IN THIS NPR STORY ON ANDREW BREITBART, which was pretty good, really. But this story — which on my station ran right afterward — really underscores Breitbart’s point about the media trying to control the narrative. It’s all about a crumbling coastal building in California and the threat of coastal erosion from “climate change.” If you listen closely, the story doesn’t quite say that the seas are rising and that’s why that building is in trouble, but it certainly gives that impression. And it never admits that there are any questions about the whole climate-change debate. Narrative, indeed.

UPDATE: Reader Thomas Lyttle writes: “Listened to the NPR Breitbart report while going to dinner. Was surprised to hear the reporter describe you as the ‘conservative’ blogger Instapundit. It doesn’t use that term in the written version you linked to, but the as-broadcast version sure did. Check it out.” Yeah, I know. Sigh. I fight it, but basically to a lot of media folks if you’re not in the Obama tank with them you must be a conservative.

Calling oneself a “libertarian” as opposed to a “conservative” is the political equivalent of the great “sanitation engineer” vs. “trash man” divide.

In the end it is still all about garbage.


I'll just add that Putzy is pretty much down-the-line a Giuliani Republican, except he's more wingnutty on guns and taxes.

Very non-conservative like!

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