Friday, February 05, 2010

Acorn Pimp Analogy Fail.

This is...curious.

Writers for Andrew Breitbart's various sites have been working overtime to defend ACORN "pimp" James O'Keefe from accusations of racism this week, ever since an article by Max Blumenthal about a forum O'Keefe attended that featured a white nationalist speaker appeared here in Salon.

One of those writers, Jill Stanek, came up with a particularly unique line of defense: "The Left accusing James O’Keefe of being racist against blacks is the equivalent of accusing Oskar Schindler of being racist against Jews," she wrote Thursday.

Stanek knows that Schindler was a Nazi, right? Perhaps she didn't notice the pin on Neeson's lapel?

Personally, I'd have gone with Raoul Wallenberg -- not a Nazi! -- but then, I'm not in the habit of comparing an aspiring white nationalist to a venerated humanitarian.

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