Thursday, January 28, 2010

Glenn Reynolds: Fucking genius

Instarube's ability to read the public's mind and make wholly accurate yet sweeping claims about how the entire nation feels (which, curiously, is always exactly the same as Glenn Reynolds feels!) is as sharp as ever via the equally brilliant Don Surber. On Obama chiding the Supreme Court in his speech:
Law professor Glenn Reynolds, on whether Justice Alito should just take President Obama’s words like a man: “No, actually, you don’t, and Alito didn’t. And that will step on Obama’s press tonight and tomorrow, turning his demagoguery into a negative for him. That’s why Presidents usually act Presidential. Not so much because it’s dignified. But because it’s smart. That’s something that Obama, with his limited experience on the national stage, hasn’t figured out yet.

The mouthing of words was one of the few newsworthy moments in a speech that dragged on for more than an hour as Obama grasped at any and all straws in a desperate attempt to salvage his presidency. He failed. He has become an uninspiring speaker who has used up all his magic. Quantity cannot make up for quality.

Pitchforks and torches are out.

Maybe take another look at those tea leaves, dipshits.

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