Friday, August 28, 2009

Things that make you go "Hmmmm."

"I risked my entire career to bring [Charles Murray's] brilliant book, The Bell Curve, into the bounds of respectable conversation because I believe his intellectual honesty is self-evident, even if you believe he is wrong about everything. ... I have long counted him and his brilliant wife as friends."


Charitable explanation: Sullivan is trying to give Tim F. heartburn.

Less charitable: between his continued humping of The Bell Curve and Betsy Mccaughey 's pernicious ideas, Sullivan is simply a stooge who can turn a phrase.

At this point, I don't give a damn how "good" Andrew Sullivan is on torture and whatnot; that he evidently believes that African-Americans lack intelligence and that "No Exit" was something more than excrement is more than I'm willing to take.

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