Friday, August 21, 2009

Says the Guy Who's Spent the Last Year Pimping Joe the Plumber and Kenny Gladney.


OUCH: ABC’s Charles Gibson to Cindy Sheehan: Thanks for your sacrifice. Now get lost. Hey, when the useful idiots aren’t useful anymore, they’re just, well, you know . . . .

It must be weird to live in a world in which Cindy Sheehan is simply a representation of something you despise -- the anti-war movement -- as opposed to what she actually is; you know, a mother whose son was killed.

That bit of unpleasantness, Casey Sheehan being dead and all, has never fazed Putz. Consider the special brand of callousness it takes to endorse the descriptive of Sheehan as "a lefty Terri Schiavo." But that's Glenn Reynolds for you.

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