Friday, August 28, 2009

Pssst...You're Not Helping!

Huffington Post does itself no favors printing shit like this:

We don't know how much Kennedy was affected by [Mary Jo Kopechne's] death, or what she'd have thought about arguably being a catalyst for the most successful Senate career in history. What we don't know, as always, could fill a Metrodome.

Still, ignorance doesn't preclude a right to wonder. So it doesn't automatically make someone (aka, me) a Limbaugh-loving, aerial-wolf-hunting NRA troll for asking what Mary Jo Kopechne would have had to say about Ted's death, and what she'd have thought of the life and career that are being (rightfully) heralded.

Who knows -- maybe she'd feel it was worth it.

Emphasis mine.

Wondering such things -- and then reaching the conclusion she does -- may not make Melissa Lafsky a "Limbaugh-loving, aerial-wolf-hunting NRA troll" or whatever, but it does make her an embarrassment.

It's difficult enough to speculate on what a long-dead person would think about, well, anything, 40 year after the fact. But to suggest that Ms. Kopechne might, in essence, be grateful for her untimely death is crazy.

Lafsky's taken some crap for writing that, will surely get a lot more by the day's end, and (I don't mind saying) she deserves every bit of it.

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