Monday, July 20, 2009

Do we have any readers who are psychologists?

Not amateur ones. Professional ones. I'd like to know what you'd think of a patient who wrote an elected official a letter (or made a journal entry, etc) like this column from Doug Giles.

One of the positive things that has come about by beholding this American socialistic meltdown has been the passive members of our party becoming more active in keeping up with how our politicos are gang raping us while telling us we should be thanking them and that pillaging our country is good for us...

But they’re showing up, by the hundreds of thousands, at Tea Party protests! Well yippee ki-yay! Now, it’s getting interesting. Oh, I almost forgot: These conservatives have also bought more guns in the last four months than they ever had in the last forty years. God, I love it. I’ll have an S&W model 29 with a side order of 300gr. Hollow points, please.

However, the freshly alert and active amongst us still feel very vulnerable and are not digging the thought of their kids, grandkids, or themselves being on the receiving end of an Obama America. They like the old and superior Superbad America that’s free, militarily strong, economically viable and at least semi-morally upright—not this rat cage, socialistic, Czar-laden, left of left, Tila Tequila, Liberals Gone Wild swill we’re being Jim Jones’d into swallowing by Washingtonians who do not give a rat’s backside regarding our nation’s original intent. So, these newly awakened conservatives sit and yell at the TV as they watch the Obama gang dismantle America while their BS detectors ping more than the metal detectors at Islamabad International Airport.

Now, before you compadres bust a vein in your foreheads, let me help you out with a little Christianity Doug Giles style. To assist you in your efforts to change this SNAFUed situation, you must add to your repertoire of petitions you offer up to God Almighty what I like to call Dirty Harry prayers: radical prayers against the radically unrighteous direction our nation is headed. You heard me right. I said pray against this fetid mess.

Holy shit, Doug Giles. You are pickin'-corn-out-of-shit insane. But at least you're organized enough to keep up the one rape reference per column minimum.

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