Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Uh, Allahpundit? When does Olbermann claim to be objective?

FYI, here’s the extended web clip of her interview with Hannity. The most eventful bit is the one Drudge quoted, but the last two minutes are worth watching just to see how chummy Hannity is with her. Say this for him: Unlike the modern-day Murrow at MSNBC, at least he makes no pretense whatsoever of objectivity.
I'll say this for Hannity: he's an asshole and a liar.

But the idea that KO claims to be "objective" i.e., nonpartisan, is silly as anyone who has seen one of his sometimes tedious "Special Comment" segments. "Commentary" would seem to be the opposite of "objectivity," yes?

If you're going to kiss Hannity's ass, please do so without the lame, "Well, he's more principled than Olbermann" BS.

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