Monday, April 06, 2009

Strange Days, Bedfellows.

Yesterday, in a post entitled "Bush Bowed Too", Charles Johnson --yes, that Charles Johnson -- wrote:

More than a few people on the right are screaming that Barack Obama should be impeached for bowing to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.

Those of you who are buying into this hyperventilating nonsense need to see this video. ...

This deference to a very bad country has been going on for decades; it didn’t start with Barack Obama, or with George W. Bush, or with John F. Kennedy for that matter.

Instead of impeaching Barack Obama, America needs to impeach its gas tanks.

And just imagine how much screaming there would be if Obama had let Abdullah hang a medal around his neck.

This was not well-received by the Colorado chapter of the foot-stamping intentionalism community.

This morning, after receiving what I assume was a ton of hate mail, Johnson wrote:

Here’s an open thread for Monday morning, for everyone who wants to yell at me some more for pointing out that by bowing to King Abdullah, Barack Obama was simply following the well-documented, well-known tradition of US Presidents to pander to the Saudis.

To sum up, presidential pandering to the Saudis has been going on for decades, it didn’t start with Barack Obama, and it’s purely hypocritical to make excuses for George W. Bush while screaming that Obama did something no other President has ever done.

Pretty funny. Never thought I'd see the day when Charles Johnson would get written out of the movement for not being crazy enough. And to his credit, this is pretty funny:

Among the dozen or so hate mails I’ve received this morning for not hating Barack Obama enough...

Welcome aboard!

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