Wednesday, April 29, 2009


So, Roger Simon thinks it is Not A Big Deal that 7 people have died from swine flu. "That’s out of a current global population approaching 7 billion," says he.


Given that number there must be at least 7 documented mortalities from just about anything in that period of time. [Overeating spinach?-ed. Don't tell my mother.] We also know that roughly 36,000 Americans die yearly from the “regular” flu. Slow news day or dangerous health hazard? You tell me.

Point taken, actually. But, you know, we leveled two countries and killed reams of civilians on account of a mere two planes hitting a mere two towers killing a scant 3,000 people -- out of population of 300 million.

If I remember correctly, Mr. Simon and his pals were not so c'est la vie about that.

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