Monday, March 23, 2009

Shorter William Jacobson: LEAVE GLENN & HELEN ALLOOOONE!

How sweet.

Jacobson (I have no idea who he is) appears to think Putz and Dr. Mrs. Putz need defending.

The post seems mostly to consist of "Alex is a poopy head" --- but it's worth reading the comments.
"As to whether you "hate" Instapundit, you took a cheap shot at Glenn Reynolds and his wife. Just admit it."
Again, here's the "cheap shot."
Some of the biggest proponents of the “Going Galt” bandwagon in the blogosphere and at Pajamas Media are Glenn Reynolds and his wife, both of whom have jobs (Professor of Law at a public university; forensic psychiatrist) that are dependent on public, taxpayer-funded institutions.
Simply pointing out the irony that Putz & Dr. Mrs. Putz live off the public teat while pimping an astroturf campaign to PROTEST OBAMAS SOCIALISM!!!!1!! is "cheap"?

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