Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Peak Wingnut Revisited.

Andy McCarthy, a paranoiac douchebag who's still obviously pissed that his conspiracy theories haven't gained any traction, writes the ultimate post-election anti-Obama graf, in which he manages to somehow forget the Malcolm X rumours. It's really quite breathtaking.

My purpose here is not to insult the president, but anyone who has read Obama's autobiographical books knows he has described a dark past involving substance abuse — and recall that Obama adamantly refused to discuss much of his past during the campaign. He has, moreover, consorted with terrorists and other America-haters, been steeped in Alinsky radicalism, instructed ACORN operatives (with their "direct action" — meaning extortionate — methods), engaged in unseemly Chicago-pol glad-handing (including a shady real-estate deal with a shady character to purchase his home), and been so deeply entrenched in Leftism that he's criticized the Warren Court for not being leftist enough.

That's not the best part. This is the best part:

Now, nothing says we have to harp on these matters ad nauseum.

Get me a cigarette.

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