Wingnuts' perverse fondness for Twitter is well-mocked in these parts, so it will not surprise you that we find the idea of a GOP "tech summit" pretty damn funny. The summit occurred on February 13, so of course Pajamas has its take a mere 10 days later.
The degree to which the goobers are out of touch is inadvertently demonstrated in the third graf:
Last Friday, the RNC held the GOP Tech Summit at the Capitol Hill Club in Washington, D.C., which brought together bloggers, politicos, and activists to discuss ideas ranging from social networking to online fundraising. The forum was also broadcast online so that those who were interested from all over the country could view and submit their comments. Attendees even got a surprise visit from Chairman Steele and Newt Gingrich.
Um, fellas. A little-read website, Politico -- you've heard of them maybe? -- gave you plenty of notice. Like four days?
For more laffs, drink in Michael Steele's blog. I'm gonna bookmark this, big time:
Don't allow the opposition to gloss over the key issues at hand that sets our ideologies apart. Become bullies with bullhorns and call out the hypocrisy loud and clear! If I hear another person talk about disrespecting President Obama by disagreeing with him I am going to lose it. The left crucified George Bush, and humiliated him at every turn! They will use racism , and the ignorance of the followers beholden to the DNC for handouts to continue the re framing of our message! STOP! Put your ivy league manners in a drawer and fight for the right to have a different view! Next time you sit across from some pundit who is lying, manipulating facts to degrade your ideology call them out! BE ADAMANT ! State the truth and hav ethe facts to back them up!
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