Monday, January 12, 2009

That's Gotta Hurt.

Pajamas Media, which curiously gets attention only when they embarrass themselves, is getting thrashed by craven wanker Uncle Jimbo of Blackfive, who (it tickles me to note) is a Pajamas Media Network blogger -- a designation that sounds really prestigious and, one assumes, pays for the first year at Dalton.

Yesiree, it's bad enough that Uncle Jimbo has shown himself to be an appeaser (like Chamberlain!), but he's also in Benedict Arnold territory: witness his decision to slag his esteemed employers not from his own site (as would befit a real man) but from enemy territory, the dreaded, dreadful Casa De Althouse!

I worked for Pajamas Media and have great respect and admiration for Roger Simon. He is a brilliant and insightful writer. That is what makes this stunt such a shameful descent from seriousness into National Enquirer level garbage. Joe the Plumber is certainly moderatley entertaining, but the only reason PJTV sent him to Israel was to capitalize on the dumbass response from Old School media. He knew he would get a Drudge link and that was all he was aiming for.

Joe has no knowledge or experience that makes his "war reporting" valuable or informed. They would have been better served sending Triumph the Insult Comic Dog.

Shark jumped.


Uncle J

And again.

The question is not so much is Joe qualified to be an unqualified commenter on events, of course he is. The question is should he be the flag carrier for new media, which consists of many who have put forth quality work, commentary, punditry and, dare I say, journalism. Sending out someone, who as it was noted simply called "Naked" as if that is the only prerequisite to be taken seriously damages the idea that an outfit like PJTV ought to be considered as an alternative to the fading media giants.

Send Joe to cover the red carpet at the Golden Globes. Send Bill Roggio, or Michael Totten if you want new media coverage of a shooting war.

Joe is a circus side show.


Uncle J

The kicker? Uncle Jimbo, last seen bathing the taint of Jonah Goldberg, knows from stupid.


...links fixed with the kind assistance of Althouse.

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