Oh my.
I think the Internet might have stopped – or at least forestalled long enough for an Allied victory – the Holocaust. I can imagine fuzzy cell phone pictures of the ovens at Auschwitz, or videos of the Warsaw ghetto, or train schedules across Poland, somehow making their way to Allied servers and from there by-passing the mainstream media to explode on the pages of blogs and websites all over the world. Secrecy – and Allied indifference – were crucial to the Final Solution. The Internet, even an underground one, would have made both impossible.
I know it's wingnut gospel that Rathergate was, like, the great thing EVAR! and our asses are factchecked and advantage blogosphere, etc., but for real? This counterfactual triumphalism wherein goobers who are only now figuring out Twitter might actually prevent a genocide -- that, Mr. Michael Malone, is a trifle unseemly.
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