Sunday, November 30, 2008

Mission Accom-- huh?

Why, I wonder, does Glenn Reynolds not begin his post with "THEY TOLD ME THE TERRORISTS WOULD STRIKE AGAIN IF OBAMA GOT ELECTED" -- but instead approvingly quotes:
Today, we see the emergence of a dark, new, and different army, with new branches that include all the components of a military, yet still utilize the terror doctrine.
Wasn't allying with Pakistan and pursuing terrorists overseas a scenario that would bring about an ... End to Evil?

After seven years of doing everything necessary - Guantanamo, wiretaps, invasions, etc - how and why is it possible for this "dark, new, and different" army to emerge? The author quoted by Reynolds writes that -
the advantage of terrorist armies is first and foremost the fact they are not subjected to any law or international convention
Haven't we been told time and time again that the reason why we've ignored these 'international' laws and conventions is precisely to destroy this type of terrorist army before it can emerge?