Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Buckley's Legacy.

K-Lo, 9:27 a.m.:

Contrary to the anti-intellectual talk, there's a lot of thinking going on in these parts.

Mona Charen, one hour earlier:

Right on Schedule [Mona Charen]
Apropos of my column today, here is the all too predictable fracas over kids dressing up for Thanksgiving.

K-Lo, 4:09 a.m.:

Keith O & Martha Stewart Talk Turkey [Kathryn Jean Lopez]
Palin, natch.

That Lopez was posting at 4:09 a.m.elicits in me an unfamiliar feeling. Sympathy, I think it's called.

Despite the fact that she's a hateful, horrible person, I actually feel bad for her. I must be coming down with something...

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