Friday, November 07, 2008

...And Remove All Doubt.

One of things I'm most looking forward to in an Obama Administration is a resurgent respect for experts. You know, the kind of people who won't put the head of the International Arabian Horse Association in charge of FEMA.

The kind of people, in short, who would write this:

A READER EMAILS: "Why doesn't anyone including Instapundit, say the obvious: The market was up when it looked as though McCain had a chance. Now that Obama has won -- as a direct result -- the market is tanking. Obviously -- almost 500 point loss each day since Obama has won the election!"

Well, the stock market is certainly tanking:

Major indexes have lost about 10 percent since Barack Obama was elected president -- a vote preceded by a steep rally -- and the losses represent the Dow's worst two-day percentage decline since the October 1987 crash.

Is it really fair to blame this on Obama? I don't know, but those who thought he was going to bring about a stock market rally by being elected have certainly turned out to be wrong.

If you don't know, Putz, then kindly STFU. It doesn't take a genius to see that the markets have been reacting to unemployment, the precarious state of hedge funds and the auto industry -- among many factors.

Blaming it on President-Elect Obama is not only stupid, but it conveniently ignores the fact that Putz's boy, George W. Bush, is currently the guy leading this country.

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