Friday, October 03, 2008

Wimp Factor.

From Politico:

"Part of the problem for us in the last three weeks has been a president on TV almost every day who had been MIA for the past six months," said a senior McCain aide, speaking anonymously to discuss the unpopular president in frank terms.

This lip-quivering would be kinda sad/amusing, if the McCain toadies weren't all such loathsome creatures. These guys are so cowed and frightened, such spineless sycophants utterly afraid to piss off their cracked-out troglodyte fundie base -- that they won't issue even a mild criticism of Preznit Lameduck without the cloak of anonymity.

Sadly, this is an improvement, as the "on background" taint-scrubbing of Sarah Palin seems to have stopped.

(Of course, the fact that Politico enables this cowardice is pathetic, but that's another story altogether.)

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