Friday, October 17, 2008

Hugh Hewitt, Still Dead An Idiot.

Says he:

AP/Yahoo shows the race at 2%; the Battleground at 4% --a huge swing in that poll in a week.

What matters most is the direction of the numbers in each poll, not the size of the gap, and the Joe the Plumber debate has clearly helped McCain as the message takes hold that Obama's massive tax hikes and pledge of protectionism are sure ways to lock in the misery of the financial crisis while he "spreads the [remaining] wealth" around.

Trouble is, kiddies, the AP/Yahoo poll, as Mr. Silver notes, "is not timely. It entered the field on October 3 -- two weeks ago -- and left the field on October 13, which was this Monday." The RCP averages are equally bad for McCain.

Observes a Hewitt commenter:

The race is tightening, eh, hugh? I guess that's why Zogby and Rasmussen (the Republican favorite pollsters) are unchanged from yesterday and show Barack with a steady 4-8 point lead for 20+ days straight?

I guess that's why Hotline/Dieageo has Obama at his widest lead yet (10 points)? And why Barack is back at 50 percent today with Gallup?

I guess that's why McCain still trails in Virginia, Colorado, Florida and Missouri?

Everything is collapsing for the Dems!

Oh, noes!


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