Monday, September 22, 2008

A Campaign of Whiners.


Steve Schmidt complained that the Gray Lady and other news organizations hadn't sufficiently scrutinized Barack Obama and Joe Biden, seizing on the ties of Biden's son, Hunter, to the credit card industry as a prime example.

See also:

"Obama laid out what he called a series of reforms that the McCain campaign later complained were still short on specifics." [CST]

"Sen. John McCain’s top campaign aides convened a conference call today to complain of being called “liars.”... Schmidt also complained of Obama backers’ attacks on McCain’s running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin." [Politico]

"Obama continued to hit McCain for his remark that “the fundamentals of the economy are strong,” adding that McCain “has said it over and over again throughout this campaign – no fewer than 16 times, according to one independent count.” (This was a reference to a tabulation compiled by NBC, that network officials of the McCain campaign have complained quite a bit about, though it may be tough for them to complain about this compilation.)" [ABC]

"The McCains are so used to deference from “the filter” that Cindy McCain later complained that “The View” picked “our bones clean.”" [NYT]

"McCain's campaign had also complained that the school's gym was too small." [AP]

"McCain campaign manager Rick Davis earlier complained that the media has focused too much on 44-year-old Palin's personal life." [AP]

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