Tuesday, September 09, 2008


It's a shame The Washington Post relegated this to an advice column:

McCain's team this time around is so quick to point to their candidate's five-and-a-half years as a P.O.W. in North Vietnam, they practically use the experience as an excuse if he's running a few minutes late to a rally. The catch-all alibi has been deployed to explain away everything from his confusion about the number of homes he owns to his fondness for ABBA (take a chance on me, Senator, and don't apologize!). Perhaps most significant, though rarely acknowledged openly, McCain's Vietnam P.O.W. experience gains him a pass from most people for the failure of his marriage.

But where does it end? Would a President McCain years from now shrug off some major policy miscalculation by pointing "to his time served in Hanoi"?

Absolutely true, and no one will read it.

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