Gay Patriot went to the Republican National Convention and came away with this:
We conservative (and libertarian) bloggers are far from monolithic. Even the three bloggers at Powerline have different perspectives–and very different personalities. (John, for example, seems to warming to Palin while Paul remains skeptical.)This diversity was not limited to the various conservative viewpoints expressed, but also included our geographical, demographic, ethic and religious background.
Yeah, for real! Names?
Below, I list (to the best of my recollection & in no particular order) the bloggers I met in St. Paul. Just click on their name to access their blog and their ideas: John Hinderaker, Scott Johnson, Paul Mirengoff, Glenn Reynolds, Jim Gateway Pundit, Ed Morrisey, Ed Driscoll, Peter Robinson, James Lileks, Michael Barone, Michael Bates, Hugh Hewitt, Mary Katharine Ham, Scott Ott, Jennifer Rubin, Patrick Ruffini, Jon Henke, Patrick Hynes, Steve Green, Roger Simon, Peg Kaplan, Fausta Wertz, Mickey Kaus (who would balk at being called conservative, but he remains respected in the rightosphere), Jim Geraghty, Ramesh Ponnuru, Mark Hemingway....
I was going to say that Mr. Patriot's idea of diversity runs the gamut from white to off-white, but my plan got foiled by Ramesh Ponnuru.
Very clever, Mr. Patriot!
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