Saturday, August 23, 2008

Why I Love/Hate Putz.

In a nutshell:

OBAMA PICKS BIDEN: So Much for Change? That's unfair. He's at least as fresh a face as Madeleine Albright.

Plus, an epic text message failure? Micah Sifry: "From a tech point of view, the mass txt message seems to have failed." On the other hand, while people who signed up may not have gotten their text messages, Obama got their names for his mailing list.

UPDATE: Not winning over Katie Granju: "'I'm not excited by Obama's choice of Biden. He's got a long record of aggressively supporting the consumer debt machines that have created so much of the subprime lending mess we find ourselves in today.And in a campaign that has succeeded in large part on the idea of change and progress, he's simply a throwback."

ANOTHER UPDATE: Richard Miniter: "Biden is almost a 'neocon' in his foreign policy views. He voted for the Iraq War in 2002. . . . Does his elevation by Obama signal that that the Obama campaign is backing away from its timetable to withdraw from Iraq? Does Biden’s position differ significantly from McCain’s? Isn’t he, in fact, closer to McCain’s view on Iraq than Obama is?"

The thing is: I'm not sure anyone gives a shit what Jennifer Rubin, Richard Miniter and Katie Granju -- who? -- have to say about Obama's VP pick.

Granju may be lovely and smart, but rest are idiots. They are, in short, of no consequence and don't have to be "won over."

When McCain selects his VP, is Putz going to link to CounterPunch, The Nation and Kos while noting gravely that said outlets are displeased?

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