Sunday, August 03, 2008

Putz Projects.

It's funny that Putz would highlight this particular passage in Richard Fernandez's gooey screed on the anthrax attacks:

But when the anthrax attack did come the remarkable thing was that it was never spun as a WMD attack on America, an assertion which in the heated atmosphere following the attacks, might actually have gained currency. Instead the FBI went almost direct to the 'lone American' theory rather than impute the attacks on al-Qaeda. If the Bush administration had in fact planned to use the anthrax attacks to frame someone, the 'lone American' theory was precisely the wrong way to go about it.

Putz, as you know, took the paranoid route...

...Also: It's Bruce Ivins, Mr. Fernandez. ("The FBI turned to another loner whose politics did not fit so neatly with attacks on Dan Rather and Tom Daschle: Richard E. Ivins.") We don't need no steeenkin' editors!

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