Monday, July 28, 2008

Malkinites don't believe Knoxville shooter hated liberals.

Despite multiple news reports and statements from the Knoxville chief of police, the wingnuts in Malkinland are unconvinced that the shooter -- who called himself a "confederate" and hated gays, liberals and blacks -- was a right winger, and see only a dark conspiracy designed to discredit conservatives.

Just a few:

If he hated libtards, whey didn’t he go shooting at some college campus?

I smell a rat.


Doesn’t pass the smell test.


You know what I think? He didn’t hate liberals. He hated Christians. He wanted to leave the impression that he is a conservative who hates liberals, however, to discredit conservatives.



I guess you believe that the first place to look for liberals and gays are at the nearby church….


I doubt if he is a conservative:

Hates Christians, unemployed, and on food stamps… hmmmm….


This is not about a Christian killing in hate.


I don’t think this passes the smell test either.

If he hated Christians then he could have found a ton of fundamentalist Churches in the phone book.

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