Thursday, June 19, 2008

This Cookie Tastes Funny.

People who have sex -- or at least don't find it repulsive -- don't make this kind of mistake:
Today I notice this chocolate commercial which could be a K-Y commercial.

I think I know why Kathryn Jean has lube on the brain. She's suffering the after-effects of Rick Santorum's Senate loss, prior to which she complained that people
think it’s pretty funny that when you Google the senator’s name, you get a repulsive lower-case version of his last name, a word invented by sex columnist Dan Savage that refers to anal sex.

Well, yeah. As a wise man once said,
You know what? Fuck that. Fuck Rick Santorum. Fuck you too, Kathryn. We gave Santorum a taste of his own butt-sex-obsessed medicine—if he was going to obsess about our sex lives, we were going to give him a goddamn reason to—and it served him right. He was asking for it. Lowercase santorum couldn't have happened to a not-nicer guy.

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