Monday, June 09, 2008

Larry Johnson No Quarter: Not Just Bugfuck Insane.

Flowbee's dank abode is also deliriously homophobic!
And there [Andrew Sullivan] reclines on his swivel chair in his antiseptic office. Flanked by two dogs, the hirsute critic types a few mindless words as the computer slides onto the rippling folds of excess flesh that spill off his lower abdomen. “Not glib enough, not misogynistic enough,” he mutters to himself. He slowly lifts his lame wrist and languorously depresses the delete key. ... He ruminates; he struggles; he licks the beads of sweat glistening on the surface of his unkept beard. “Hyperventilate,” he screams. And he raises his flaccid wrists in order to resume the arduous task of writing once again.

Charming. I'm sure Senator Clinton would be so pleased by this development.

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