Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Fatter, Please

As the most junior contributor to the Putz-o-Rama, I felt it was important to stay silent throughout the whole Democratic nomination, lest my incoherent rage turn this esteemed publication into a pale imitation of the Corner.

Now, however, it's time to return. If only Glenn Reynolds had a post ready to showcase his enormous stupidity...

BRING IT ON, PLEASE: Calorie Restriction mimicking Longevity drug could be available in 5 years.

No, seriously. Glenn "Fat Poor People Mean America Is Rich" Reynolds is advocating that people who want to live longer should take drugs to keep their fat asses around instead of, y'know, not actually stuffing their faces with lots of cheap, unhealthy calories.

Let's take this to its logical conclusion: won't we end up with a lot of old people whose hearts are kept ticking by expensive prescription drugs, but whose lard-bloated bodies are quickly falling apart otherwise? Any ideas what that might mean for taxes, Medicare, prescription drug coverage, ageist lobbying, etc?

Fatter, please.

Thankfully, it's followed by a nice display of historical ignorance on, um, guns. I thought the Instagunadvocate actually knew something about firearms, but it turns out his ignorance knows no bounds:

Russian stuff's cheap, and it works fine as long as you're only fighting other third-world countries with Russian weapons. . . .

Really, Glenn? Those crappy Russian weapons seemed to work just fine to inflict over 200,000 casualties on American troops using American weapons during the Vietnam War, nearly 60,000 of which were fatalities.

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