Thursday, May 08, 2008

Pretty Much.

From the bowels of Sadly, No!

Here’s how I see it: the vote in November will be between a crazed, half-senile, wholly warmongering, privileged idiot who knows fuck-all about anything and will doubtless start World Wars IV, V and VI, and a semi-conservative. What can any principled progressive do, but hold their nose and vote for the lesser of two evils.

Jesus Fardling Christ, no-one’s asking you to get “Obama Makes My Nipples Hard!” tattooed on your forehead. But a mature and responsible person would realise that there is not, and never has been, a serious contender for the Presidential Throne who was even slightly progressive (okay, maybe Carter. In some ways).

So in the absence of Teh Ideal Progressive Candidate, responsible and mature folk will cast their vote for the least worst, recognising, of course, that it is the least worst and not the best that they’re voting for. They don’t stride around bleating about how Obama (or Hillary, for that matter) fails to be the Bestest Ever Progressive Candidate.

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