Friday, April 11, 2008

Make It Stop.

Shorter Verbatim Dr. Mrs. Putz:
Are men in this country keeping other men down? Do you ever wonder if part of the anti-male bias in this country has to do with various groups of men keeping other groups of men down? I am not saying here that women are not responsible for anti-male bias — they are. But much of the bias against men is also tolerated because of a number of professional or business men in this country who benefit from, or get accolades for, spitting on their brothers.

One of her examples?
Even Paul McCartney with all of his success and money was caught up in the court system in England. He had to hand over millions, time with his daughter, and property to Heather Mills — and this was considered a triumph!

"What would have happened," Dr. Mrs. asks, "had McCartney not been rich?" Eh? I doubt she's looking for a Kanesian " if I hadn't been very rich, I might have been a really great man. " But if she wants to go the counterfactual route: Not being rich would've meant not being a Beatle, in which case Heather Mills, amputee and all, would not have given McCartney a second look.

Problem solved!

The post simply gets worse; eventually, she gets around to Bill Clinton (it is apparently impossible to go 24 hours without a mention of Teh Clenis), who, she opines, "has left men in his wake vulnerable to lawsuits and losing their livelihoods and their reputations."

Well, I certainly live in fear that I might not be able to receive some "part time employment" in the privacy of my own office.

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