Friday, April 18, 2008

Further Adventures in Civility.

From Peggy Noonan:

This is what I think will happen. At some future point Mrs. Clinton will leave, and at a more distant one she will try to come back. But more than one cycle will have to pass before she does. She'll need more than four years to shake off the impression she made in 2008. And this is how you'll know she's making another bid for the presidency. She will wear skirts. Gone will be the pantsuits that made her look like a small blond man with breasts. It's the new me, I wear skirts! Her first impulse is to think cosmetically. A long and weary life in politics has left her thinking this is the way to think.

It's only a matter of time before Noonan compares Barack Obama to the late Koko the Gorilla because, you know, they're both black.

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