Thursday, February 21, 2008

Hugh Hewitt Explained.

This, from Hewitt's interview with Jonah Goldberg:

HH: And so the left goes into abeyance for a while during the Eisenhower years, and Truman would have nothing to do with this. But they nest in the universities, and what’s very interesting to me is when they break out in the SDS rise in the Weatherman and the Cornell incident. By the way, do you know what Alan Keyes was at Cornell at the time of the takeover?

JG: I know. His life was threatened.

HH: Yes.

JG: He had to leave the campus, yeah.

HH: Alan was my tutor at Harvard, and I heard the stories of that, and you recapture it here, that it was really a visceral hatred of all things traditional.

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