Thursday, February 07, 2008

Concern-Trolling At Its Finest.

The New York Post:
Ethnic, racial and demographic fissures are starting to appear that could make for some truly ugly conflict - and generate potentially long-lasting resentments - before the process is resolved.

Across the country, Obama is getting support from men; Clinton, from women. Newly energized young people are voting for him; senior citizens are flocking to her in unusual numbers.

So far, so good.

Not so good for long-term Democratic harmony, however, is this development: African-Americans are overwhelmingly with Sen. Obama, while Latinos and Asians (if California is a bellwether) are almost as strong for Sen. Clinton.

Whether the trend maintains in the coming weeks will say a lot about the party's ability to present a united front in November.

In a party consumed by gender, race, ethnicity and the like, vision and principles will certainly take second place.

Proportional delegate allocation could transform the always-fractious Democratic Party into something akin to the Italian parliament.

This all may well add up to a "fair" process - but it's also a blueprint for rancor, bitterness and gridlock.

It would be a pity if all the excitement - and promise - Obama has brought to the process ultimately is defeated by ugly faction-fighting.

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