Friday, January 25, 2008

The Meatgrinder Fallacy. (Updated, Rethought, etc.)

It's brutal, so of course it's the brainchild of Michael Ledeen. Since the AEI's top sociopath is prone to flowery language ("Honored by their commanding officer, and by the presence of general officers including Jesus Petraeus himself..."), I'll sum it up:
Sacrifice more Americans for an amorphous goal so that six already-dead Americans will have died for a purpose. I can live with myself.
Think I'm exaggerating? Ledeen says, of the dead soldiers,
one terrible fear was dying for nothing. We ["We"? That's funny. --ed.] are obliged to make sure that did not happen.
Finish the thought, asshole. By what means shall we fulfill this "obligation"? I don't suppose it involves another slew of corpses?

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