Wednesday, January 16, 2008

BDS strikes again

BDS strikes again. That's right -- Blair Derangement Syndrome.

Andrew Stuttaford on the Corner smirkingly notes that "JP Morgan has recently hired Mr. Blair (for a reported $1m per annum) as a part-time consultant to provide "strategic advice and insight on global political issues and emerging trends." Hopefully, the bank will not be asking him for advice on the economy. Having just reported a $1.3bn hit on their investment banking side, it has, I think, suffered enough."

That would be a disaster indeed (sic), as the United Kingdom under Tony Blair has experienced the longest uninterrupted economic growth period in 200 years, and eventually (soon after Brown took over) led the UK standard of living to exceed its US (and German) counterpart. Why would someone who successfully managed Britain's economy for a decade be an asset for a company that just lost a ton of money? They must be crazy to hire him! Perhaps one of those well-tested Republican economic advisers could be found instead.

What's the subject of Stuttaford's post? "Blair's Legacy." Why do NRO posters hate the UK's high standard of living and uninterrupted economic growth?

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