Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Kill Me Now.

From Texas Monthly's interview with Dan Bartlett:

Have the media been too tough on him?

I think White House correspondents have been tagged, unfairly, with not being tough enough on the administration and President Bush in the run-up to the war. If you go back and look, they asked all the right questions. The problem is, they’re acting now like they have to be five times more critical, and I think they’ve gone overboard.

You think they’re overcompensating.

Yes, I do. This issue of “Bush lied, people died”? It’s been the mantra for the last four years: “If only the right questions had been asked back then, we would have found out that he was lying to us.” That’s false—it’s patently false. There’s a difference between lying and being wrong. We were wrong. As were a lot of people and a lot of countries. We were wrong about the intelligence on weapons of mass destruction. That’s far different from saying that we purposely manipulated or intentionally lied to the American people.

Bartlett's no longer on the WH payroll and he's still a sycophantic douchebag! Sad. [via]

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