Wednesday, November 21, 2007

What? No "Heh"?

Yesterday, Putz was so happy with Damien Cave's story on Baghdad that he airily declared that the paper owed David Petraeus an apology.

Today, he writes:


You'll notice he's a tad less sanguine, which suggests he actually read the Q&A in question. Here's what Cave says, since Putz doesn't seem like excerpting:

-- The current period of peace is "the calm before the storm."

-- "Nothing tangible" has come of reconciliation talks between the Sunnis and Kurds.

-- "American commanders have said that they are aggressively negotiating with Sadr officials to help keep his militia, the Mahdi Army, in check. But if the cease-fire ends, if Mr. Sadr’s whims shift, that could push violence up again — no matter how many troops are here."

-- "Among many Iraqis, especially Shiites, there is still a lot of frustration with the American presence — which feels to them like an occupation."

As a wise man once put it (albeit crudely and with a disturbing lack of civility), "Let's not start sucking each other's dicks quite yet."

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