Tuesday, November 06, 2007

New Pajamas Putzen.

Speaking of Ron Silver, I notice that Pajamas has added a couple other new bloggers wingnuts to their lineup, Phyillis Chesler and Roger Kimball.

I'm not too familiar with either, but I'm already skeptical of Chesler (who happens to teach at my pops' alma mater), who writes today,
Apparently, over the weekend, Barnard quietly (very quietly) granted tenure to Professor Nadia Abu El-Haj. There! Take that you Pushy Jews!
And earlier in the week, she wrote,
Why-oh-why does the mainstream media keep tacking on “The Israeli-Palestinian crisis” where it does not belong? This has become a mindless mantra meant to inflame not inform people and more important, meant to affirm the “goodness” and “fairness” of the journalists who espouse precisely such rank propaganda.

So much putziness, so little time.

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