Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Holy Shit. (Part 2)

A few days ago, Powerline published part 22 of their famed "Who is Keith Ellison?" series. It would seem that even after a staggering number of words, totaling well into the thousands, the silly fools still don't know the answer. (The short answer, I take it, is "Muslim.")

I'm not sure if this is more or less crazy than their Zell Miller opus -- he's their "favorite Democrat" -- which spans at least 21 parts.

...Incidentally, in light of the Golden Wingnut, please behold my favorite, which somehow escaped nomination:

If Kerry does win, the mainstream media will have gotten him elected with their biased coverage and they will pay for it more than they could imagine. And it will be the blogosphere and you, our own supporters, who will make them pay. Our strength will grow incrementally with a Kerry victory in terms of influence and even economic power. And both will be at the expense of the mainstream media. Yes, we too have 'plans.'"

Ah, that's the stuff.

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