Thursday, November 01, 2007

Glenn Reynolds on Obama: smearing the troops?

Remember this?

OBAMA BOMBS OUT: A.P. to the rescue.

UPDATE: Ouch: “AP joins Obama in slander of US troops.”

When Obama suggested that we were relying too heavily on air strikes in Afghanistan, and thus killing too many civilians, the wingnuts, Putz included, predictably characterized this as slandering the troops.

What will they say now that Afghanistan's President has now told George W. Bush and the American people the same thing?
Asked if he is asking the American government to roll back the air strikes, Karzai says, "Absolutely. Oh, yes, in clear words."

Karzai told 60 Minutes he delivered those words, privately, to President George W. Bush. But he decided to take the message public in this interview. "And I want to repeat that, alternatives to the use of air force. And I will speak for it again through your media," he says.

"You're demanding that?" Pelley asks.

"Absolutely," Karzai says.

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