Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Pajamas Putziness.

Ron Silver (linked approvingly by Putzy), who apparently has lost his whatever was left of his mind, writes an article at PJs titled, "How to Get the World to Like Us" and it begins:

The presidential electoral cycle is upon us. That means conventions. Conventions have platforms. I propose a platform that will make the world like us again. Just like they always did.

It may take 12 steps to get clean and sober, but only 6 to make the world realize just how super the U.S. can be.

1. We can start by helping the Arabs retake Andalusia.
That's pretty much all you need to know about the rest of his "article." It's nothing but a silly set of straw men.

Ron, baby. Now I know you're really bummed that your career is in the toilet and you publicly backed and campaigned for a historically unpopular, totally incompetent now-disgraced President. And I know you thought you and Dennis Miller had some really cool niche going as the "liberal celebrities who support the War on Terror."

But seriously. No one thinks it's a good idea for Iran to have nukes. No one wants to help "the Arabs" take Spain. No one wants to give China the Pacific (wtf?).

But now everyone thinks you're an assclown.

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