In other shocking news, I heard on the teevee today that Richard Simmons announced that he's gay.
My world is upside down.
This just in...the Pope is Catholic. It's just one of those days I guess. I need a moment.
Sullivan weighs in on this alarming development:
No sane freedom-lover would, in my view, believe that 9/11 changed nothing. Of course, it required sacrifices of liberty. What it did not require was the permanent suspension of habeas corpus, the transformation of the executive branch into a de facto extra-legal protectorate, the breaking of laws by the president, the authorization of torture, warrantless wiretapping, a war based on intelligence that simply wasn't there, and a ramping up of the drug war. Those are the policies that Glenn Reynolds, by silence or active support, has enabled. I'm relieved that he no longer even identifies as a libertarian. It helps clear the air.I don't know what Sullivan is talking about. The idea that I can't call Putz a "non-partisan libertarian", with sarcastic quotes, or the "NPL" ... what am I going to do?
Beer me.
So sad. It's all over now.
"As a libertarian myself, I'd love to see the nation run under small-government principles."--Glenn Reynolds 2006

Best. Post title. Ever.
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