Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Dr. Helen to men: make sure the bitch signs a pre-nup.

Dr. Mrs. Putz doesn't disappoint in her latest column, "Should men get married?"

She begins by comparing the plight of married men in this country to the apartheid South by quoting Martin Luther King.
“Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor, it must be demanded by the oppressed.”
Inspiring stuff.

Need a completely superficial and anecdotal example of this oppression? DMP obliges by citing some guy who got taken to the cleaners by "an expensive bitch."

And now the big flourish!
So back to the question of should men get married? I say, do so with an open mind and realize that the legal system may be stacked against you. Make sure you trust the woman you are going to marry and consider a prenuptial agreement that can serve to protect you should a divorce become a reality.
As a married white man, and therefore an oppressed victim of our legal system and society, I can't tell you how grateful I am that Dr. Helen is speaking out for me.

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