Sunday, October 28, 2007

Doesn't Gen. Petraeus' spokesman have anything better to do?

This has to be the weirdest item of the year. Geez, what a loser.

Either the Col. is lying or someone has hacked into his e-mail, which one would think is some kind of breach of security or something.

I'm going with lying.


Cole calls the Col. "one arrogrant prick." I think that's being kind.

Digby calls him "Col. Jackass." We're getting close.

And BTW, some PhD in Oregon makes a convincing case that the Col. is lying sack of shit.

Again, there are only two options. The Col. is lying, or someone has hacked into Gen. Petraeus' spokesman's secure military e-mail account. There should be an investigation if it's the latter.

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