Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The delightful idiocy of the Protein Wisdom crowd.

Given my history with Goldstein, I realize that I'm kind of barking at the moon here. But it is so amusing how easy it is to trap the wingnuts with their own ridiculous rhetoric.

For instance, in comments at PW, I wrote (Jeff's comment in italics):

Greenwald thinks the right’s reaction to giving Ahmanofconstantsorrowajad was “overblown”?

Greenwald and anyone with an emotional age over 12.

And by the way — not the whole right. Just the kooky subset of the right that still thinks the Great Leader Bush is beloved, that We’re Winning The War Against Islamofascism By Fighting Them In Iraq, that the President of Iran is Hitler, that Saddam was the Hitler before him, and that Greenwald — through his blog — is “running interference” for the Terrorists.

Just that right.

Some poster, falling right into the trap, responded:
Debating is a lot easier when you define your pronouncements so far into the cartoonish as to be meaningless.
Cartoonish and meaningless, indeed. Because someone who thinks Bush, the Great Leader is really popular, that we're winning the war against "Islamofascism" in Iraq, that Saddam and Mahmoud are Hitlers, and that Greenwald is supporting terrorism is a cartoonish clown who has no grasp on reality, right?

Except, every one of those memes are practically articles of faith to wingnuts. Every one. And the last one was written by Collins, the genius behind the entire post.

Wrote Collins:
I’m flummoxed by Gleen’s running interference for homosexual-murdering regimes…
Think about that. Glenn Greenwald, through the awesome power of his blog, is "running interference" for murderous gay-killing terror states.

The wingnuts then, predictably, go on to defend the idea that Mahmoud is Adolf III.
Apparently, comparing President Bush to Hitler is a sign of intellectual rigor, but making a comparison between the Iranaian theocrat that has publicly expressed his desire to rid the world of the Jooooooooooooooooooooooooos and kills teh gheys, all while trying to acquire nuclear weapons, and Hitler, who tried to do all of the above, is absurd?

Tell me, is the only thing that prevents you from thinking Ahmajokerahmasmokerahmamidnightokerajad is a wannabe Hitler the fact that he hasn’t yet been able to wipe Israel off the map? Or do you just not take the President of a country trying to obtain nuclear weapons seriously because, well, lord knows, he’s just a silly little Persian nobody? Bluster. Talk. Cultural differences. We wouldn’t understand.
But my favorite is this line by Goldstein:
I don’t think Ahmawhatever is Hitler now. I think he wishes he were.

Jeff Goldstein wishes he were Tom Brady. Therefore, Jeff Goldstein can be compared favorably to Tom Brady.


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